Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 25th February 2025, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Minutes silence
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
1. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 14th January 2025
2. Clerks report i. Co-option ii. Wicksteed inspection review
3. Chairman’s report i. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station and Eggesford Station
4. Highways i. Ploughing verges ii. Footpaths
5. County/District Councillors’ items i. Emergency Planning Parish Forum
6. Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1641 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£11.00 |
1642 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
1643 |
A&B contractors |
£1440.00 |
1644 |
NDC dog waste collection |
£4.06 |
Plus any other bills presented
i. Cambridge and Counties interest
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
79364 |
Conversion of outbuilding to residential annexe at Bedport Farmhouse Burrington |
pending |
79468 |
Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) attached to planning permission 74083 (Erection of new building to accommodate four luxury suites) to allow for minor amendments to design of building at Northcote Manor Burrington Umberleigh |
79642 79645 |
Conversion of disused building into residential living accommodation Bridge Farm |
79665 |
Siting of agricultural building for free range egg laying unit at Aylescott Farm Burrington |
79784 |
Change of use of relative’s annex to open market dwelling at Southcott Farm |
i. S106 Public Open Space Off-site Contribution, update
ii. Enforcement cases
8.Parish Hall report
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. Buckingham Palace Garden Party
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 25th March 2025 7.30pm
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 10.2.2025 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 14th January 2024,
Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Minutes silence
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
1. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th November 2024
2. Clerks report i. Councillor
3. Chairman’s report i. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station ii, Eggesford Station
4. Highways i. Ploughing verges ii. Footpaths
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1633 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£11.00 |
1634 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1635 |
Jimbo website |
£144.00 |
1636 |
Cumbria Clock Company |
£234.00 |
1637 |
Wicksteed |
£180.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
i. Sign the precept letter
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
78690 |
Outline application to replace existing building with a single dwelling, with all matters reserved except for access, Valle Vue Burrington |
Refused |
79392 |
Notification for prior approval for larger home extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall, 4m to the ridge and 2.25m to the eaves, Ash Lodge prior approval |
79364 |
Conversion of outbuilding to residential annexe at Bedport Farmhouse Burrington |
79464 |
Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) attached to planning permission 74083 (Erection of new building to accommodate four luxury suites) to allow for minor amendments to design of building at Northcote Manor Burrington Umberleigh |
i. S106 Public Open Space Off-site Contribution, update
ii. Enforcement cases
8.Parish Hall report
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b.
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 25th February 2025 7.30pm
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 3.1.2025 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 29th October 2024,
Burrington Parish Hall AGENDA 7.30pm
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
1. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 24th September 2024
2. Clerks report i.
3. Chairman’s report i. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station ii,
4. Highways i. Ploughing verges ii. Sign at Red Post iii. Footpaths
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1629 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£11.00 |
1630 |
M Baker grass cutting |
£1354.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
78690 |
Outline application to replace existing building with a single dwelling, with all matters reserved except for access, Valle Vue Burrington |
Pending |
78876 |
Proposed conversion of existing barn into two-bedroom house at Barton Farm Barton Court Road From Pavington Cross To Burrington Burrington |
79096 |
Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300 mm, Aesthetic changes to the style of the property which include amended fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to the external materials and revised internal layout, Bedport Poultry Farm |
Approved |
79226 |
Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 1 dwellinghouse (Class Q (A and B)) at Barn at Pool Lane Easting: 264869 Northing: 117635 Burrington UmberleighPrior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 1 dwellinghouse (Class Q (A and B)) at Barn at Pool Lane Easting: 264869 Northing: 117635 Burrington Umberleigh |
i. S106 Public Open Space Off-site Contribution, update
ii. Enforcement cases
8.Parish Hall report
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b.
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 26th November 2024 7.30pm BUDGET MEETING
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.10.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 24th September 2024, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
1. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th August 2024
2. Clerks report i. First Aid and Defibrillator course
3. Chairman’s report i. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station ii, Church Clock
4. Highways i.
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1622 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£11.00 |
1623 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
78690 |
Outline application to replace existing building with a single dwelling, with all matters reserved except for access, Valle Vue Burrington |
Pending |
78876 |
Proposed conversion of existing barn into two-bedroom house at Barton Farm Barton Court Road From Pavington Cross To Burrington Burrington |
79096 |
Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300 mm, Aesthetic changes to the style of the property which include amended fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to the external materials and revised internal layout, Bedport Poultry Farm |
i. S106 Public Open Space Off-site Contribution, update
ii. Enforcement cases
8.Parish Hall report
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. DALC training and conference c. North Devon Records Office
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 29th October 2024 7.30pm
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.9.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meetin
Tuesday 27th August 2024, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
1. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 30th July 2024
2. Clerks report i. First Aid and Defibrillator course 5th September 7pm to 9pm
ii. West of England Fire training course
3. Chairman’s report i. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station ii,
4. Highways i.
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1622 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£11.00 |
1623 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
78692 |
Proposed forestry building at Heales Cottage Burrington |
Pending |
78813 |
Removal of condition F (Agricultural tie ) attached to planning permission NM/3278 (Proposed Bungalow) at Valle Vue Road from Forches Cross to Abbotsmarsh Wood Burrington |
78690 |
Outline application to replace existing building with a single dwelling, with all matters reserved except for access, Valle Vue Burrington |
78876 |
Proposed conversion of existing barn into two-bedroom house at Barton Farm Barton Court Road From Pavington Cross To Burrington Burrington |
i. S106 Public Open Space Off-site Contribution, update
ii. Enforcement cases
8.Parish Hall report
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. Challenging the Madness of net zero,
iii. Basic extinguisher and fire warden training
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 24th September 2024 7.30pm
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.8.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 30th July 2024,
Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
1. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th June 2024
2. Clerks report i. First Aid and Defibrillator course 5th September 7pm to 9pm
3. Chairman’s report i. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station ii,
4. Highways i. Highways conference 27th June ii
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1618 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£11.00 |
1621 |
Joseph Rice First Aid course |
£222.48 |
1619 |
West of England Fire Protection |
£127.80 |
1620 |
Aylescott Feeds and Driers (postage) |
£52.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9JT Grid Ref:264879; 117625 |
Approved |
78692 |
Proposed forestry building at Heales Cottage Burrington |
Pending |
78656 |
Erection of a milking parlour over an existing silage pit at Bircham Farm Burrington |
Approved |
78572 |
Works to dwelling inclusive of single storey extension at Ticavin House Burrington |
Approved |
78589 |
Change of use and conversion of barn to form additional accommodation to the main house at The Old Parlour Upcott Farm Burrington |
Pending |
78519 |
Erection of 2 buildings comprising of 4 industrial units for use class B2 and B8 at Bables Tenement Burrington |
Pending |
78813 |
Removal of condition F (Agricultural tie ) attached to planning permission NM/3278 (Proposed Bungalow) at Valle Vue Road from Forches Cross to Abbotsmarsh Wood Burrington |
78690 |
Outline application to replace existing building with a single dwelling, with all matters reserved accept for access, Valle Vue Burrington |
i. S106 Public Open Space Off-site Contribution, update
ii. Enforcement cases
8.Parish Hall report
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. Challenging the Madness of net zero,
iii. Basic extinguisher and fire warden training
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 27th August 2024 7.30pm
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.7.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Annual Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 25th June 2023, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd May 2023
- Clerks report i. Distribution of Annual Report ii.
- Chairman’s report i. Plaque for tree, inscription on the obelisk
- Highways i. . Bouchland Lane
- County/District Councillors’ items i.
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1561 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1562 |
Office expenses |
£ |
1563 |
£300.00 |
1564 |
Bethesda Graveyard Trust |
£100.00 |
1565 |
Old Gospel Hall |
£50.00 |
1566 |
Hall re lights |
£175.00 |
1567 |
Rent MUGA |
£350.00 |
1568 |
West of England Fire Protection |
£53.40 |
1569 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Savings Account
Iii Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement
iv. Agree and sign the Accounting Statement
v. Sign the Exemption form vi. Agree the Fixed Asset Register
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77117 |
Erection of agricultural storage building. Land at Burrington Devon E,263124 N,115768 |
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 25th July 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 16.6.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Annual Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 28th May 2024, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
Election of Officers: Chairman Vice Chairman
Parish Hall representatives Methodist Graveyard Trust representative
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 30th April 2024
- Clerks report i. D Day celebrations ii.
- Chairman’s report i. Wicksteed report ii. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station iv.
- Highways i. Highways conference 27th June ii. Road Map Update
- County/District Councillors’ items i. Parish Forum 18th June
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1605 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
1606 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£11.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9JT Grid Ref:264879; 117625 |
Pending |
78424 |
Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm, amendments to porch, fenestration, external materials and re-positioning of solar panels and to Plot 1, Bedport Poultry Farm |
Approved |
78526 |
Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 3 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh |
Pending |
78308 |
Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 2 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh |
Pending |
78374 78376 |
Repair and rebuild section of collapsed east gable cob wall and re render in a lime based render at Church Gate Burrington |
Pending |
78692 |
Proposed forestry building at Heales Cottage Burrington |
78656 |
Erection of a milking parlour over an existing silage pit at Bircham Farm Burrington |
78572 |
Works to dwelling inclusive of single storey extension at Ticavin House Burrington |
I. Enforcement cases ii
- Parish Hall report
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. Invitations to North Devon Records Office and Rural Villages Service Group
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 25th June 2024 7.30pm
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.5.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
for Burrington Annual Parish Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 30th April 2024 at 7.00pm
1. Read, agree and sign the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held for 25th April 2023.
2. Chairman’s Report
3. Financial Report – available to the meeting.
4. Consider the following financial arrangements for 2024/25
i £ 60 donation to be made to the Church for electricity used by public light.
£ 175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by the public lights.
ii. Public toilet grant
iii. £300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard
iv. £100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard
v. £50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard
5. Report on Burrington Sports Area and Parish Hall
i Sign “Multi Use Games Area Agreement”
ii Agree amount put aside if required by Parish Hall
6. Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust and Church
7. Community Shop Report and any other reports
8. Parish Council Field
9. Items for inclusion with the Annual Report
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information.
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 16.04.24
01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 30TH April 2024, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA To follow the APM
- Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th March 2024
- Adopt any Resolutions brought forward at the APM
- Clerks report i. D Day celebrations ii.
- Chairman’s report i. Wicksteed report ii. Free tree iii. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station iv.
- Highways i. Section between Red Post and Forches
- County/District Councillors’ items i.
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1602 |
DALC affiliation |
£210.61 |
1603 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£31.50 |
Plus any other bills presented
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9JT Grid Ref:264879; 117625 |
Pending |
78424 |
Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm, amendments to porch, fenestration, external materials and re-positioning of solar panels and to Plot 1, Bedport Poultry Farm |
Pending |
78526 |
Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 3 dwellinghouses (ClassQ(A)(B)) at Abbots Marsh |
78374 78376 |
Repair and rebuild section of collapsed east gable cob wall and re render in a lime based render at Church Gate Burrington |
I .Enforcement cases ii
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b.
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 28th May 2024
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.4.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 26th March 2024, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th February 2024
- Clerks report i. D Day celebrations ii. 2 Jenny Fox Cottages, Burrington,- Vehicle Access
- Chairman’s report i. Wicksteed report ii. Free tree iii. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station iv.
- Highways i. One was route at Braggmarsh ii Section between Red Post and Forches
- County/District Councillors’ items i.
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1600 |
Clerks Salary |
£ |
1601 |
Office expenses |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented
8. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9JT Grid Ref:264879; 117625 |
Pending |
78064 |
Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm and amendments to glazing, materials, porch and configuration of solar panels Bedport |
78424 |
Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm, amendments to porch, fenestration, external materials and re-positioning of solar panels and to Plot 1, Bedport Poultry Farm |
I .Enforcement cases ii
9.Parish Hall report
10. Bethesda Graveyard Trust 12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b.
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 30th April 2024
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.3.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 27th February 2024, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th January 2024
- Clerks report i. D Day celebrations
- Chairman’s report i. Wicksteed report ii. Free tree iii. Train travel from Kings Nympton Station iv. Update on Bouchland
- Highways i. One was route at Braggamarsh iii Reporting poor roads iii. Section between Red Post and Forches
- County/District Councillors’ items i. North Devon Planning Forum 30th January report ii. County Councillor grant application
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1596 |
Clerks Salary |
£450.00 |
1597 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£10.50 |
Plus any other bills presented
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77570 |
Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington |
Approved |
78064 |
Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) to allow raising of the roof by 300mm and amendments to glazing, materials, porch and configuration of solar panels Bedport |
78178 |
Prior notification for erection of one forestry building to store equipment/vehicles Heales Cottage |
78261 |
Approval of details in respect of discharge of condition 4 (landscaping) attached to planning permission 75015 (retrospective application - temporary change of use of land for the siting of temporary caravan for use as a rural workers dwelling together with erection of 1 polytunnel, 1 shed & 1 compost toilet) Kingsland Gardens |
I .Enforcement cases ii
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust 12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. Royal Garden Party
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 26th March 2024
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 11.2.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 16th January 2024, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd November 2023
- Clerks report i. Defibrillator
- Chairman’s report i. Wicksteed report ii.
- Highways i. One was route at Braggamarsh iii Reporting poor roads
- County/District Councillors’ items i. North Devon Planning Forum 30th January ii. County Councillor grant application
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1595 |
Clerks Salary |
£ |
1595 |
Office expenses |
£ |
1595 |
Jimbo |
£120.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
ii. Savings Account re Cambridge and Counties
iii. Precept letter
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77570 |
Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77579 |
Change of use of land & erection of 3 holiday lodges at Week Parks High Bickington |
Passed |
i. S106 on Bedport priorities
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b Free Landmark Tree from Devon Wildlife Trust for your Parish or Town
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 27th February 2024
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 7.1.2024 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 28th November 2023,
Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 31st October 2023
- Clerks report i. Energy Outreach Project ii. Defibrillator
- Chairman’s report i. Wicksteed report ii. Dog waste bin
- Highways i. Verge ploughing iii
- County/District Councillors’ items i.
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1584 |
Clerks Salary |
£450.00 |
1585 |
Jimbo |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Savings Account re Cambridge and Counties iii. Grass cutting tenders
iv. Clerks contract
v Set the Precept
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Approved |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77570 |
Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77579 |
Change of use of land & erection of 3 holiday lodges at Week Parks High Bickington |
Pending |
i. S106 on Bedport priorities
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b North Devon Records Office c Citizens Advice
d. North Devon Community Lottery
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 16th/ 24th January 2024
Budget Meeting
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 31st October 2023, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th September 2023
- Clerks report i. Energy Outreach Project ii. Defibrillator
- Chairman’s report i. Inscription on the obelisk ii. Oak tree on Village Green
- Highways i. Gritting route and mirror ii. Verge ploughing iii. Bouchland
- County/District Councillors’ items i. Dental petition
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1577 |
K&J Refrigeration |
£410.90 |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Savings Account re Cambridge and Counties iii. Goal Posts
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76179 76178 |
Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten |
Approved |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77348 |
Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington |
Approved |
77562 |
Retrospective application to regularise the works for the erection of an ancillary unit at Northcote Workshop Burrington |
Approved |
77570 |
Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77579 |
Change of use of land & erection of 3 holiday lodges at Week Parks High Bickington |
Pending |
75015 |
Land East of Kingsland Appeal APP/X1118/W/23/3319545 |
Permitted |
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b North Devon Records Office c Citizens Advice
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 28th November 2023
Budget Meeting
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 24.10.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
- Tuesday 26th September 2023, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 29th August 2023
- Clerks report i. Wicksteed inspection ii. Grass cutting tender
- Chairman’s report i. Inscription on the obelisk ii. Oak tree on Village Green
- Highways i. . Bouchland Lane responses received and Bouchland lorries
- County/District Councillors’ items i.
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1576 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1576 |
Office expenses |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Savings Account re Cambridge and Counties iii. Goal Posts
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76179 76178 |
Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten |
Pending |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin (amended siting/location plan/plans) at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77348 |
Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77562 |
Retrospective application to regularise the works for the erection of an ancillary unit at Northcote Workshop Burrington |
Pending |
77570 |
Demolition of two agricultural buildings and erection of two new dwellings (fall back to Class Q 75205 and 74299) and proposed conversion of grade two listed agricultural building to dwelling together with associated works at Golland Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77579 |
Change of use of land & erection of 3 holiday lodges at Week Parks High Bickington |
Pending |
75015 |
Land East of Kingsland Appeal APP/X1118/W/23/3319545 |
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 31st October 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.9.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 29th August 2023, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th July 2023
- Clerks report i.
- Chairman’s report i. Inscription on the obelisk ii. Request from the Old School House
- Highways i. . Bouchland Lane responses received and Bouchland lorries
- County/District Councillors’ items i. Review of the Public Spaces Protection Order for Dogs
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1575 |
Clerks salary |
£450.00 |
1576 |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Savings Account iii.
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76179 76178 |
Listed Building Consent for Conversion of existing barn to two habitable holiday let units at Poole Batten |
Pending |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77562 |
Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington
Retrospective application to regularise the works for the erection of an ancillary unit at Northcote Workshop Burrington |
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b Hedgehog highway project
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 26th September 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.7.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 25th July 2023,
Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th June 2023
- Clerks report i. Public convenience sign ii. CCTV
- Chairman’s report i. Plaque for tree, inscription on the obelisk
- Highways i. . Bouchland Lane responses received
- County/District Councillors’ items i.
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1569 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£42.00 |
1570 |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Savings Account iii. Toilet grant
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77117 |
Erection of agricultural storage building, Land at Burrington Devon E,263124 N,11576 |
77348 |
Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn to dwelling at Bouchland Farm Burrington |
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 29th August 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.7.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Annual Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 27th June 2023, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd May 2023
- Clerks report i. Distribution of Annual Report ii.
- Chairman’s report i. Plaque for tree, inscription on the obelisk
- Highways i. . Bouchland Lane
- County/District Councillors’ items i.
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1561 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1562 |
Office expenses |
£ |
1563 |
£300.00 |
1564 |
Bethesda Graveyard Trust |
£100.00 |
1565 |
Old Gospel Hall |
£50.00 |
1566 |
Hall re lights |
£175.00 |
1567 |
Rent MUGA |
£350.00 |
1568 |
West of England Fire Protection |
£53.40 |
1569 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Savings Account
Iii Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement
iv. Agree and sign the Accounting Statement
v. Sign the Exemption form vi. Agree the Fixed Asset Register
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
77117 |
Erection of agricultural storage building. Land at Burrington Devon E,263124 N,115768 |
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 25th July 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 16.6.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Annual Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 23rd May 2023, Burrington Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms to be completed, circulate Register of interest forms
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Election of Officers: Chairman
Vice Chairman
Parish Hall representatives
Bethesda Graveyard Trust representative
Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the chairman
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th April 2023
- Clerks report i. Bus shelter ii. Coronation 6th May
- Chairman’s report i.
- Highways i. . Bouchland Lane
- County/District Councillors’ items i. Code of conduct Training, 5th June 6.00pm via Teams
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1553 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
1554 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£10.00 |
1555 |
£78.00 |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Skipton Account
11. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
76585 |
Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington |
Pending |
i. S106 contribution from the Bedport development
12.Parish Hall report
13. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
14.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 27th June 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 6.5.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 25th April 2023, Burrington Parish Hall
To follow the Annual Parish meeting
- Public Participation
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 28th March 2023
- Adopt any resolutions brought forward at the APM
- Clerks report i. Field re allotments ii. Bus shelter iii. Coronation 6th May
- Chairman’s report i. May Elections ii.
- Highways i. . Bouchland Lane
- County/District Councillors’ items i. Code of conduct Training, 5th June 6.00pm via Teams
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1550 |
DALC Subscription |
£147.98 |
1551 |
Burrington Parish Hall |
£10.00 |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Scottish Widows Account
10. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76327 |
Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of horse riding arena at The Linhay Bouchland Farm Burrington |
Approved |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
Pending |
76585 |
Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington |
Pending |
76501 |
Extension to dwelling, Churchlands Farm, Burrington |
Approved |
11.Parish Hall report
12. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
13.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 16.4.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
for Burrington Annual Parish Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 25th April 2023 at 7.00pm
1. Read, agree and sign the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held for 26th April 2022.
2. Chairman’s Report
3. Financial Report – available to the meeting.
4. Consider the following financial arrangements for 2023/24
i £ 60 donation to be made to the Church for electricity used by public light.
£ 175 donation to be made to the Parish Hall for electricity used by the public lights.
ii. Public toilet grant
iii. £300 Grant to the Burrington Church Buildings Trust for maintenance of the graveyard
iv. £100 Grant to the Bethesda Graveyard Trust for maintenance of the graveyard
v. £50 Grant to the Old Gospel Hall for maintenance of the graveyard
5. Report on Burrington Sports Area and Parish Hall
i Sign “Multi Use Games Area Agreement”
ii Agree amount put aside if required by Parish Hall
6. Report from the Burrington Church Buildings Trust
7. Community Shop Report and any other reports
8. Allotments on the Parish Council Field
9. Parish and District Council Elections
10. Items for inclusion with the Annual Report
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information.
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 16.04.23
01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 28th March 2023, 7.30pm, Burrington Parish Hall
- Public Participation 7.30pm
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 28th February 2023
- Clerks report i. Bus shelter iii. King’s Coronation 6th May
- Chairman’s report i. May Elections nomination papers
- Highways i. Ploughing of verges Bircham Hill ii. Bouchland Lane
- County/District Councillors’ items
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1551 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1552 |
Office expenses |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Scottish Widows Account
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76327 |
Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of horse riding arena at The Linhay Bouchland Farm Burrington |
Pending |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
76585 |
Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington |
76501 |
Extension to dwelling, Churchlands Farm, Burrington |
Approved |
10.Parish Hall report
11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b.
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: ANNUAL PARISH MEETING followed by a Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 25th April 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 20.3.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 28th February 2023, 7.30pm, Burrington Parish Hall
- Public Participation 7.30pm
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 17th January 2023
- Clerks report i. Field re allotments ii. Bus shelter iii. Coronation 6th May
- Chairman’s report i. May Elections ii. Annual Parish meeting 25th April 7.00pm
- Highways i. Ploughing of verges Bircham Hill ii. Bouchland Lane
- County/District Councillors’ items
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1549 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
1550 |
NDC Dog Bins |
£78.00 |
Plus any other bills presented ii. Scottish Widows Account
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75959 |
Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works. at West Pavington Farm |
Pending |
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
76223 |
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 73684 (creation of a dwelling and associated works as a replacement for the dwelling approved under Class Q previously) in respect of relocation of the building within the red line of the site, change from 2 story to single storey, reduction of floor area & fenestration amendments at Mully Brook Barn Burrington |
Approved |
76327 |
Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of horse riding arena at The Linhay Bouchland Farm Burrington |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
76444 76445 |
Installation of solar PV array to existing barn roof at Poole Batten Burrington Listed building |
Approved |
76585 |
Erection of agricultural shed, Cross Park Farm, Burrington |
76577 |
Variation of condition 3 (occupancy) attached to planning permission 49218 (part rebuild & conversion of barn to form one unit of holiday accommodation (amended plans) to allow unit to be used as ancillary accommodation to the main dwellinghouse, Primrose Cottage Burrington |
75601 |
Extension to dwelling, Churchlands Farm, Burrington |
10.Parish Hall report 11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. PCC Survey for re-opening local Police Stations
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 28th March 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 20.2.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 17th January 2023, 7.30pm, Burrington Parish Hall
- Public Participation 7.30pm
- Declaration of Interests* Apologies
- Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 29th November 2022
- Clerks report i. Field re allotments ii. Bus shelter
- Chairman’s report i. May Elections
- Highways i. Ploughing of verges Bircham Hill
- County/District Councillors’ items
- Finance.
i. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1542 |
South West Windows |
£984.00 |
1543 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1544 |
Website |
£120.00 |
Plus any other bills presented i. Precept
9. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75959 |
Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works. at West Pavington Farm |
Pending |
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
75700 75699 |
Listed Building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn |
Refused |
76233 |
Erection of Agricultural building (amended site, information and plans) at Abbotts Marsh Burrington |
76223 |
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 73684 (creation of a dwelling and associated works as a replacement for the dwelling approved under Class Q previously) in respect of relocation of the building within the red line of the site, change from 2 story to single storey, reduction of floor area & fenestration amendments at Mully Brook Barn Burrington |
76327 |
Change of use of land to equestrian and construction of horse riding arena at The Linhay Bouchland Farm Burrington |
76399 |
Erection of a holiday let cabin at Langabridge Farm Burrington |
76444 76445 |
Installation of solar PV array to existing barn roof at Poole Batten Burrington Listed building |
10.Parish Hall report 11. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
12.Correspondence a. DALC Newsletter, b. PCC Survey for re-opening local Police Stations
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 21st February 2023
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 4.1.2023 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 29th November 2022
In the Parish Hall
Public Participation 7.30pm
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th October 2022
2. Clerks report i. Field re allotments ii. Bus shelter iii. Earl of Portsmouth letter iv. Website
3. Chairman’s report. .i. Wicksteed Inspection report
4. Highways, i.
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1539 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
i. Grass cutting tenders
ii. Precept
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75959 |
Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works. at West Pavington Farm |
Pending |
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
75700 75699 |
Listed Building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn |
Called in |
8. Parish Hall report i.
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10. Correspondence i. DALC Newsletter, ii. Email from SW Water re smell
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 17th or 24th January 2023 in the Parish Hall to be agreed
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.11.2022 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 25th October 2022
In the Parish Hall
Public Participation 7.30pm
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th September 2022
2. Clerks report i. Field re allotments ii. Bus shelter iii. Earl of Portsmouth letter iv. Website
3. Chairman’s report. .i.
4. Highways, i.
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1534 |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
75220 |
Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping at Bedport Poultry Farm Burrington Umberleigh |
Passed S106 pending |
75015 |
Retrospective application - change of use of land for the siting of caravan for use as a rural worker dwelling together with erection of 1 polytunnel, 1 shed & 1 compost toilet, Land to the East of Kingsland Farm |
Pending |
75959 |
Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works. at West Pavington Farm |
Pending |
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
Pending |
75700 75699 |
Listed Building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn |
Called in |
8. Parish Hall report i.
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10. Correspondence i. DALC Newsletter, ii.
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 30th November 2022 in the Parish Hall Budget meeting
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.10.2022 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 27th September 2022
In the Parish Hall
Public Participation 7.30pm
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
HRH Queen Elizabeth II
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 30th August 2022
2. Clerks report i. Field ii. Bus shelter iii. Earl of Portsmouth letter iv. Website
3. Chairman’s report. .i. Emergency Plan ii. Wicksteed
4. Highways, i.
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1530 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1531 |
Office expenses |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
74777 |
Conversion of barns and outbuilding to dwelling at Barns at Cowlas House Burrington Umberleigh |
Passes |
75220 |
Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping at Bedport Poultry Farm Burrington Umberleigh |
Passed S106 pending |
75015 |
Retrospective application - change of use of land for the siting of caravan for use as a rural worker dwelling together with erection of 1 polytunnel, 1 shed & 1 compost toilet, Land to the East of Kingsland Farm |
75959 |
Listed building consent for rebuilding of south western elevation and associated stabilisation works. at West Pavington Farm |
75847 75846 |
Conversion of existing agricultural building to habitable accommodation at Poole Batten Burrington listed |
75700 75699 |
Listed Building consent for change of use of the public house to public house and one dwelling to include extensions and alterations at Barnstaple Inn |
i. S106 Priorities
8. Parish Hall report i.
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10. Correspondence i. DALC Newsletter, ii. North Devon Community Emergency Planning and Flood Warning Training event - 19 September 2022
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 25th October 2022 in the Parish Hall
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.9.2022 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 28th June 2022
In the Parish Hall
Public Participation 7.30pm
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 31st May 2022
2. Clerks report i. Field ii. Annual Report
3. Chairman’s report. .i. Emergency Plan
4. Highways, i. Drain discharge onto pavement
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1517 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
1518 |
Office expenses |
£ |
1519 |
Burrington Hall |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented
i.Agree and sign the Annual Governance Statement
ii. Agree and sign the Accounting Statement
iii. Sign the Exemption form
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
74083 |
Erection of new building to accommodate four luxury suites a Northcote Manor |
Pending |
74777 |
Conversion of barns and outbuilding to dwelling at Barns at Cowlas House Burrington Umberleigh |
Pending |
75205 |
Prior approval for conversion of agricultural building into a dwellinghouse (Class Q (A&B)) Golland Farm, Burrington |
Passed |
8. Parish Hall report i.
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10. Correspondence i. DALC Newsletter,
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 26th July 2022 in the Parish Hall
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.6.2022 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 18th January 2022
In the Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 30th November 2021
2. Clerks report i. Field ii. Parish Clock
3. Chairman’s report. .i Helicopter flying and Eaglescott ii Earl of Portsmouth letter
4. Highways, i. Drain discharge onto pavement
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1484 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1485 |
Office expenses |
£ |
1486 |
Website (Jimbo) Mrs T Ford |
£108.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
i. Confirm the precept letter
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
64051 |
Erection of 16 dwellings (amended application type, plans & details) at Cross Farm Burrington |
Gone to committee |
73684 |
Conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling and associated works The Marshes Road from Mill Moor Cross to Newnham Cross Burrington |
Approved |
74353 |
Erection of an Ancillary Unit to Dwelling, Northcote Workshop |
Withdrawn |
73965 |
Change of use of from agricultural land to extension to domestic curtilages at Bedport Poultry Farm Burrington |
Pending |
74299 |
Prior approval for conversion of agricultural building into a dwelling house (Class Q (A&B)) at Golland Farm Burrington |
Approved |
74083 |
Erection of new building to accommodate four luxury suites a Northcote Manor |
Pending |
74473 |
Demolition of barns & erection of one dwelling & linked annexe and associated works following class Q approval (73812) Barn at Week Cottage |
8. Parish Hall report i.
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10. Correspondence
i. DALC Newsletter, ii Queens Jubilee iii. Airband
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 22nd February 2022 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 12.1.2022 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 30th November 2021
In the Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Meeting ID 833 2023 8593
Passcode: Q5SkDY
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 26th October 2021
2. Clerks report i. Field ii. S106 Priorities list iii. Wicksteed report
3. Chairman’s report. .i Helicopter flying and Eaglescott ii Earl of Portsmouth letter
4. Highways, i. Drain discharge onto pavement
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1480 |
Wicksteed |
£72.00 |
1481 |
Clerk’s salary |
£450.00 |
1482 |
Tozers |
£5.40 |
Plus any other bills presented
i. Grass cutting tenders
ii. Fix the precept
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
64051 |
Erection of 16 dwellings (amended application type, plans & details) at Cross Farm Burrington |
New application |
73684 |
Conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling and associated works The Marshes Road from Mill Moor Cross to Newnham Cross Burrington |
Pending |
73824 |
Conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling at Curzland Farm Burrington |
Approved |
74353 |
Erection of an Ancillary Unit to Dwelling, Northcote Workshop |
73965 |
Change of use of from agricultural land to extension to domestic curtilages at Bedport Poultry Farm Burrington |
74299 |
Prior approval for conversion of agricultural building into a dwelling house (Class Q (A&B)) at Golland Farm Burrington |
74093 |
Erection of new building to accommodate four luxury suites a Northcote Manor |
8. Parish Hall report i.
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10. Correspondence i. DALC Newsletter, ii Queens Jubilee iii. Barnstaple Records Office
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 18th January 2022 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
To be agreed
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 22.11.2021 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 26th October 2021
In the Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Meeting ID: 828 5190 7537
Passcode: HqPQ3Y
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 28th September 2021
2. Clerks report i. Field iii. S106 Priorities list
3. Chairman’s report. .i Helicopter flying and Eaglescott ii Earl of Portsmouth letter
4. Highways, i.
5. County/District Councillors’ items i. Parish Forum 14th October
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1476 |
Hall equipment |
£272.00 |
1477 |
AUK Supplies |
£81.23 |
1478 |
NDC Dog bins |
£78.00 |
1479 |
M Baker School playing field |
£525.00 |
1479 |
M Baker Village Green and seats |
£624.00 |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
64051 |
Erection of 16 dwellings (amended application type, plans & details) at Cross Farm Burrington |
New application |
73767 |
Conversion of redundant rural building to dwelling and associated works at Bouchland Farm Burrington |
Approved |
73684 |
Conversion of agricultural building to form a dwelling and associated works The Marshes Road from Mill Moor Cross to Newnham Cross Burrington |
Pending |
73824 |
Conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling at Curzland Farm Burrington |
Pending |
8. Parish Hall report i.
9. Bethesda Graveyard Trust
10. Correspondence i. DALC Newsletter, ii Queens Jubilee
Items brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman for information only
Items Councillors would like to be added to the next Agenda. Welcome Packs
Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 30th November 2021 7.30pm in the Parish Hall
Budget meeting
Mrs A Snell Parish Clerk 18.10.2021 01769520265 randasnell@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Tuesday 28th September 2021
In the Parish Hall
AGENDA 7.30pm
Meeting ID: 892 6975 1853
Passcode: L3CM9x
Public Participation
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary
interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be
considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent
activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1.i. Agree and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 31st August 2021
2. Clerks report i. Update on the field to include night Landing iii. CLT iii.
3. Chairman’s report. .i Helicopter flying and Eaglescott ii Earl of Portsmouth letter
4. Highways, i.
5. County/District Councillors’ items i.
6. Finance. Approve and sign the following cheques from main a/c:-
1471 |
Clerk’s salary |
£ |
1472 |
Office expenses |
£ |
Plus any other bills presented
7. Planning P C recommendations NDDC
64051 |
Erection of 16 dwellings (amended application type, plans & details) at Cross Farm Burrington |
New application |
72741 |
Extension to clubhouse (to provide covid secure space) at Eaglescott Airfield Burrington Umberleigh AMENDED |
Removed from NDC |
73767 |
Conversion of redundant rural building to dwelling and associated works at Bouchland Farm Burrington |